Saturday 21 November 2009

Activities of analysis

Activities of analysis
• Gather information to learn problem domains
• Define system requirements
• Build prototypes for discovery of requirements
• Prioritise requirements
• Generate and evaluate alternatives
• Review recommendations

Mathematical Models:
Is used to show the precise aspects of a system (operations) where it can be represented using formulas or mathematical notes

Descriptive Models:
Is a model used to describe a process or procedure of a system in the form of structured English text or pseudocode. This type of text could include lists, reports and even memos to represent important steps of a system.

Graphical models:
The use of diagrams and schematic representations such as flow charts and event diagrams etc. Which describe different aspects of the system. This model could be one of the easiest to understand in a short amount of time, however may need to include aspects from either the mathematical oe descriptive models beside it in some cases.

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