Tuesday 19 January 2010

Tasks left

with the deadline for the full group work assignment hand in approaching rapidly, i have left to solve task 8. i seem to have trouble understanding exactly what sort of evaluation i can do on a spreadsheet.

im sure there must be many ways of using a spreadsheet to evaluate a system.

is it like a list in which comprises of tick boxes with numerical values that gives an end number as a total?

without having found the solution to this problem yet...i continue to research in perseverance. 

Saturday 16 January 2010

Group 1st hand in

interesting the way things have all fitted together for the first hand in.

we came together for our final meeting before the hand in to combine our research and we stayed longer than intended but managed to finish all aspects off.

We, group 22 have created a work break down structure, a CPA diagram and the interim report.
at handing them in electronically, blackboard seems to have issues with its timing apart from all that.... the first hand in for our group work has been successfully been handed in. "lot more to go..."

Thursday 14 January 2010

Starting Assignment as a group

well i started off with an interesting way of grouping my team together (making a plackard with the group number and calling out) .

I have grouped and had the first meeting which was improvised straight after the explanatory lecture. i am satisfied with my group members and really think that we can manage each other well enough even under pressure. all systems are go now and we are getting on with the tasks at hand.

1st task-
  • to create a break down structure of task delegation and project planning
  •  to produce an interim report describing features, strengths and weaknesses of a Wiki based system and a content management system. 

CV Application

An interesting way of bringing the television show 'The Apprentice' to our university.

i have needed to actually update my CV for quite a while. finally done so and an easy way of gaining marks for my course.

Thursday 7 January 2010

My Domain Model Class Diagram

The Domain Model Class Diagram shows the ratio of one class to another. this means for example how many vendors a property can have, how many solicitors the vendor can be associated with, how many buyers the property can have....etc look below to understand further.

This Domain Model Class Diagram shows the classes and their relations in terms of a sale of a property

Use Case Diagram

This is one of my Use Case Diagrams.
It is currently showing the way in which the agent would interact with the system in order to compose a statement of account before sending it through to the vendor's solicitor. statement of account is just a fancy phrase for asking for the commission charges.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Title Page

well.... i wonder what we can do for that?

do we include a logo, images or do we make it look like a promotion of Sellit Quick and Soon or make it look funky or very professional??


Tuesday 5 January 2010


i thought i should maybe include one of my activity diagrams in my blogs.

this activity diagram shows the workflow of buying and negotiating of a property. i really think that this is how an activity diagram should be.

Event Table: how many events?

before i started i thought that i would find it hard to think-up the relevant events to address in the events table. after a while of careful thought and understanding i seem to have bombarded my mind with the amount of events that could be included.

i have decided to call it off at 13 events as they are the most relevant cases.

Event Table: 'Source' column

i have realised that the 'Source' column on the event table will be mainly the agent because the agent is the only individual using the system unless it is used on the internet by the buyer or vendor.

or does the source refer to where the information is coming from instead of who is entering it into the system?

Sunday 3 January 2010

Final states within an activity diagram

I have come to realisation that within an activity diagram it should be possible that there are 2 (or more than one) final states.

This is because the client (agency) has noted that the vendor or the buyer can pull out the transaction or process throughout most of the case study.

therefore there should be a final state where the vendor or buyer has changed their decision to buy or sell.

isn't that how it should be?